Monday, June 20, 2011

Artist of the Week: My Morning Jacket

This weekend, it really hit me. The real world crept up, tapped me on the shoulder, and told me that I'm not a little girl anymore.  I have a job. My friends have jobs.  Do you know how hard it is to hang out when everyone is working? DO YOU?!  But, during my short trip to Duluth, my friends and I still managed to go geocaching at Jay Cooke State Park, walk by the lake, drool over million dollar houses, and catch up after not seeing each other for over a month.  What does this have to do with the new artist for the week?? Just hold your pants on, I'm getting there...

So while Haley and Ellen were both at work, I was spending some quality time with Cath. Now, don't let her age fool you... she has great taste in music (and can rock a black eye like none other).  As I was happily burning myself a stack of cd's, she mentioned the band, My Morning Jacket.  "Never heard of 'em," I said, and had already sent them to the dusty recesses of my mind.  However, destiny wanted me to listen to this band.  When I went on my grooveshark account, My Morning Jacket popped up on the indie radio! It was fate.